Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Planetside 2

What is Planetside 2? 
  • Planetside 2 is the same as Planetside, featuring the same world, fractions and taking place at the same time period. It is about territory control in an open world, large battles amongst three groups, The Terran Republic, The Vanu Sovereignty and The New Conglomerates. 
What genre does the game belong to?
  • The genre is Sci-Fi/ action, Massively multiplayer online first-person shooter game.
Planetside 2 developer/publisher:
  • Sony line entertainment. 
When was it launched?
  • Microsoft Windows 
    • WW November 20, 2012 & PlayStation 4 
      • WW 2014
How does the gameplay work?
  • the game works by having three different teams fighting for an area of the map. 
What are the six different player classes in the game?
  1. The Infiltrator is a sniper class with special abilities of cloaking and hacking, and can use sniper rifles, scout rifles and submachine guns to deliver a devastating effect.
  2. The Light Assault class is a scout who uses carbines, submachine guns and shotguns. The Light Assault's special ability is Jump Jets, which allow them to fly through the air for a short period of time.
  3. The Combat Medic is a healing class. Their weapons include assault rifles, shotguns and submachine guns. The Combat Medic's special abilities allows them to heal and resurrect other players.
  4. The Engineer class has the special ability of repairing vehicles, turrets, and MAX Units. The engineer also has the ability to build anti-infantry and anti-vehicle turrets. The Engineer's weapons include carbines, shotguns submachine guns and battle rifles.
  5. The Heavy Assault class has light machine guns, submachine guns, shotguns, batte rifles, and also Rocket Launchers, which are effective at destroying enemy vehicles. They also have the special ability of shields to help them endure heavy fire.
  6. The MAX class has a mobile armored suit that allows them to take significant damage before dying. However, due to the suit they are also the slowest class. They have access to anti-infantry, anti-vehicle, and anti-air weapons. Max units cost resources to use.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Case Study 1 - FIFA14 


  1. Find a FIFA14 print advert and describe how it promotes the game. 
This poster which is promoting FIFA14 for Xbox shows a famous footballer Lionel Messi as the central image holding up a pair of car keys with a keyring of a controller. He is wearing casual clothes which shows the audience that anyone can play the game. The slogan is in the top left corner in the standard Fifa font which is used for all Fifa games. 

2. What key conventions of print adverts can you find on the FIFA ad? Product name? Font? Slogan? Central image? Colour

Product name: FIFA14
Slogan: We are FIFA14
Central image: Lionel Messi
Colour scheme: Red and blue 

3. Find three reviews for FIFA14 that were originally published in video game magazines. Are they positive or negative about the game? Copy and paste one quote from each review.


  1. Watch the FIFA14 TV advert on YouTube. How the does the advert attract an audience?
  2. Why is Lionel Messi driving the van?
  3. How does the TV advert feature the FIFA14 brand? Font? Slogan? Main star?
  4. Why is there a combination of famous footballers, celebrities and regular people in the advert?
  5. Watch the FIFA14 trailer on YouTube. How does it differ from the TV advert?
  6. Why is the trailer effective in promoting the game?


  1. Visit the FIFA14 website. How does it attract and maintain the interest of a FIFA14 fan?
  2. How many 'likes' has the FIFA14 Facebook wall had?
  3. Choose five of the posts on the Facebook page's wall, screengrab them and explain how they appeal to the FIFA14 target audience.
  4. Find three examples of celebrity/footballer promotion on the Facebook wall and write how they promote the FIFA14 brand.
  5. What is the FIFA14 Twitter hashtag?
  6. What is the FIFA14 Twitter account currently tweeting about? Find three recent tweets and explain why they would appeal to the FIFA14 target audience.
  7. Can you find any examples of user-generated content on YouTube? This means YouTube videos of FIFA14 gameplay that players have created and uploaded themselves. Embed at least three videos on your blog.