Phone & Tablet Gaming: Candy Crush
How much money is Candy Crush Saga estimated to make each day from its users?
- Worldwide, Candy Crush Saga is estimated to make £610,000 ($1,000,000) per day from its users, according to Appdata. An estimated £550,000 per day is earned from the game in the US
- the game forces addicted players to buy gizmos which help them progress through the more difficult levels. They buy add-ons, extra lives and access to higher levels.
How many people are estimated to have installed Candy Crush?
- 500 million people have installed Candy Crush
- 60% of UK gamers play to and from work; 28% play at work or during work hours
When was the game released?
- April 2012: Candy Crush released on Facebook
- November 2012: Released for iOS devices
- December 2012: Launches on Android devices
- February 2013: Most popular game on Facebook
- September 2013: Launches on South Korean Kakao messaging service
- November 2013: Reaches 500 million downloads worldwide
- December 2013: Dreamworld expansion released
- Source: Appdata
When did it reach 500 million downloads?
- November 2013
- the typical candy crush gamer is someone that works, this is obvious because most gamers play to and from work also they play the game for stress relief, however the typical Candy Crush Saga player is a woman aged 25-45
What percentage of gamers have spent money on Candy Crush, buying in-app purchases etc.?
- £610,000
- 30% say they are addicted to the game
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